lunes, 29 de junio de 2015

the Algarrobo

The carob tree is a tree Garrofero grown in some regions, and other wildlife, Southern Europe, Asia Minor, North Africa and South America.

Dried fruit or carob, food simply has laxative properties; It is used instead roasted coffee and cooking against diseases of the bronchi.

Carob Judea, reduced to powder, burns, serving their smoke to combat asthma.

The carob tree grows not only in Mediterranean countries but in all tropical and subtropical regions. It is a tree that defends very well in dry soils and is very resistant to drought.

Carob flour, for its richness in sugar, is used numerous times in place of cocoa for making chocolates family. It is also used in confectionery to prepare some sweets.

Locust bean gum from ground carob used as textile sizing industry and it is obtained, ADME. chewing gum.

The fleshy pulp or reduced to flour carob pod has the following chemical composition.

 .................................... 4.06% nitrogenous substances
Digestible carbon hydrates .......................... 44.50%
................................................. Starch .......... 3.78%
.......................................... 7.94% reducing sugars
Sucrose ................................................. .......... 32.78%
Cellulose ................................................. ........... 6.32%
................................................. Fat ............... 0.49%
Ash ................................................. .............. 2.54%
Other substances, among which
........................................... pectin is 26.15%
Water ................................................. ................ 15.90%
............................................ 3 calories per gram

Carob contains important minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium elements. Its effect is excellent in appetite, weakness of nerves, general weakness, anemia, rickets, constipation, etc.

With the infusion (infusion) prepared fresh fruit can be cured lung colds, diseases of the respiratory organs, throat, diarrhea, dysentery, etc.

The decoction of the bark of this tree combats sweat on hands and feet. It is also used for tanning leather.
The infusion of fruit used to wash or bathe the eyes, cure eye diseases.
The leaves, dried in the shade and ground into a powder, clouds and wattles fight eye.
The infusion of the flowers of this tree produces good effects on blefaroftalmia, or inflammation of the eyelid, apply compresses.
The infusion of fruit seeds cure inflammation of the eyes by washing with it.
The cooking of these are used to gargle in diseases of the throat; also to wash the ears for otitis (inflammation of the ear) and to rinse, then heals and strengthens the gums.

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