Denominado también fresera, frutilla. Se llama fresas en España y frutilla en América, es un refrigerante y diurético de primer orden.
En las fresas se encuentra yodo, rica en sales minerales y vitaminas, especialmente la vitamina C; posee una discreta cantidad de azúcar.
Cuadro del valor nutritivo de la fresa 100 gramos
calorie value protein greases Carbohydrates calcium match iron Vitaminico values A thiamine riboflavin niacin Ascorbic acid - Vitamin C |
For its wealth of calcium and potassium, it is very good for the expulsion of uric acid.
Strawberry water is recommended for small skin disorders, ulcers and grains. Simply squeeze 3 or 4 strawberries and apply on the face, leaving it dry for half an hour. Wash with warm water to clean.
The tea obtained from the leaves of the strawberry plant is a very healthy drink.
To prepare this infusion you must use 5% of the leaves and disorders of the liver, groin and skin conditions.
The roots, 1-2% infusion for diarrhea and blood flows.
If 5% of the root is placed purgative.
The infusion of the whole plant cure jaundice. The juice of the same claims the sting of wounds and heal putrid wounds.
The tea obtained from the leaves of the strawberry plant is a very healthy drink.
To prepare this infusion you must use 5% of the leaves and disorders of the liver, groin and skin conditions.
The roots, 1-2% infusion for diarrhea and blood flows.
If 5% of the root is placed purgative.
The infusion of the whole plant cure jaundice. The juice of the same claims the sting of wounds and heal putrid wounds.
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