lunes, 29 de junio de 2015


It contains important minerals, vitamins B complex and C.

It is a very nutritious and healing fruit.

It is the right remedy for the following diseases: scurvy, gum disease, oozing mouth, toothache, loose teeth, etc.
Purifies the blood, fights colds of any kind, hoarseness, cough, stomach pain, heartburn, stomach weakness, fever, etc.

You can make a syrup with the fruit, and for that you must use pure honey.

The pit you can get a proper tisane for bronchitis and diseases of the mouth. With the same infusion gargle and poultice made from drops. The cooking combat worms and parasites.
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Pineapple or Anana

Known as tropical pineapple, pineapple, abacachí, abacaxi.

There are 2 kinds of pineapple: a sour and sweet pineapple.

Properties containing

Water, caloric value, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin C.

Ideal for the following ailments, eating pineapple

Formation of blood, bones, teeth, nerves and muscles; spleen and liver diseases, fevers, colds, nervous asthma, etc.

Pregnant women, infants and people suffering from nerve and acidity should not eat this fruit abundantly
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La naranja / La Uva / La Banana


The life cycle of a spiral is calculated for 30 years and only delivers its first fruit when it is between 4 and 5 years.

Pear properties

Water, caloric value, carbohydrate, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, B1, B2, and C

 Pear as food is ideal for the following conditions:

Hypertension, arteriosclerosis, kidney, gastrointestinal tract, goiter, inflammation of the bladder and urinary stones
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 La naranja / La Uva / La Banana / ananá o piña


Papaya, also called tree melon, pinoguazú, sucker.

It is a tropical tree, its edible fruit, and juice is used in many drinks cocktails.

The fruit is rich in minerals and vitamin.

It is used in the following conditions:
To combat the worms: 8-15 grams of juice for children 2 to 7 years
And 15 to 20 grams for passing that age.
One hour after drinking the juice will take 10 to 15 grams of castor oil as a purgative, and thus eliminate the worms.

another use

A tisane few leaves of this plant has healing effect in atonic dyspepsia and heart disease.

Chewing fresh seeds 10-12, cures diseases of the liver and facilitates good secretion of bile.
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 La Uva / La Banana / ananá o piña / la pera


       The loquat is little visual charm, which is why few are tempted to eat the fruit.

If the fruit is ripe it is juicy and delicious taste.
It contains the following properties

Water, proteins, carbohydrates, fat, mineral substances, cellulose.
Citric acid, malic and tartaric acid, tannin, and within minerals potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and some carbohydrates stands.

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Qualities Medlar

The fruit is astringent, and should be used peeled and seeded.

Medlar juice is ideal for controlling diarrhea

The infusion of leaves, prepared in cooking, is ideal for conditions of the mouth and throat; making or gargle mouthwash.

Mora, Morales o Morera

There are 2 species of Moral

Moral black and white morality or moral mulberry silkworm.

The properties it contains are:

Water, caloric value, protein, fat, carbohydrates, isocitric acid and malic acid rich in salts and minerals. Vitamin A and C.

Mineral is calcium, iron and phosphorus.

Mulberry is sweet, nice for its proportion of sugar, is nutritious mixed with dates, figs, prunes and wheat bread, is an excellent breakfast.

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healing properties

* Its juice is indicated for fevers
* For their acids it is disinfectant and microbicide
* Consumption is beneficial for improving anemia and arthritis.
* Is good for, hoarseness, gout, arthritic, swelling of the mouth, throat, inflammation of the vocal cords, etc.
* Boil and take the proceeds cold is good for typhoid fever.
* The tea leaves of black moral (30 grams in 1 liter of water), is excellent in diabetes.
* The infusion of the bark and the tree root decoction, expels worms and tapeworms.


It is a fruit that has more varieties.

It contains the following properties

Water, caloric value, carbohydrate, fat, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, B1, B2, G, some mineral salts, some sugar, basifying or alkalizing power rich in physiological water.

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El Trigo
La cebolla

This fruit is very good for the following diseases:

Arthritism, neutralizing acidity, constipation, liver and kidney failure, weak infants, typhoid fever, laxative.


The quince is originally from Greece that then spread throughout Europe and America.

It has a pleasant fragrance, which is strong and pervasive.

It contains the following properties

Water, sugar, carbohydrates, acids, protein, ash, cellulose, tannin rich ratio, pectin, oil and mucilaginous substances.

* The syrup is made from quinces, works well for tuberculosis, general weakness, weakness of nerves, weakness of the stomach, difficult digestion, stomach pain, difficulty breathing, asthma, heart disease.

To make syrup

Some quince juice and two parts pure honey is used and the procedure we take in is performed:


Properties of the seeds:
* Water Boil seeds, and using this liquid to: nipple damage, burns, is emollient and astringent at once.

* 1 teaspoon of seeds and 2 cups water, is prepared in decoction, to wash the eyes irritated, chapped lips, hemorrhoids, etc. The tea made in the same way is good for breast diseases and colds.

* The liquid obtained from the leaves, and the infusion is prepared, it is good for bloody diarrhea.

* Applying building with a decoction of the fruit is combat, tumors, hemorrhoids, colon drop, deviations of the uterus, hernia, etc.


Peach, peach, albérchigo, Persian. It is the fruit of the peach tree whose origins some say Persia and others in northern China.

It is the Fruit of the Gods.

The nutritional value is:

Organic salts, hormones and vitamins. It contains little albumin and cellulose, fruit is easier to digest.

The amount of iron containing highlights, easily usable, so it is very useful in anemia.

Water, carbon hydrates, proteins, calcium, sulfur, vitamin A, B1, B2 and C

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Its medicinal properties:

Stones and gravel, constipation, attacks and dissolves poisons blood, intestines, liver, kidneys and tissue hardened toxic uric acid, and drag while the exit of the urinary tract, as fresh juice and emollient, all unhealthy kidney urea.


The fig is the fruit of the fig tree.

The numerous varieties of this plant, all have the same properties.

The fruit, delicious food and friendly, is pectorante and emollient cooked in milk, it is also very good preparation for the affections of the throat.

The cooking of the branches of the fig 2% is useful against dropsy, on which caustic destroys warts and internal use milky juice is purgative.

The Arabs use their cooked against toothache and the ashes of wood, mixed to cover the wounds caused by snakes leaves.

It stands between their salts: potassium, calcium, phosphorus. Vitamins A, B, C and D.


It contains sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine.

Another name that is known is Mangrana (apple grain), it is an autumn fruit.

The juice of the bark has granda as important phytotherapeutic properties, eg juice is astringent. He made an infusion of the bark is good for inflammation of the throat in diphtheria, hemorrhoids, worms, etc.

In fevers juice is highly recommended, nourishes and purifies the body.

Any kind of worms or intestinal parasites, can be combated with the root bark, doing as follows:
Are soaked overnight, 1 liter of water 10 grams of bark. The next morning, all cooked at the same time water 15 to 20 minutes. Strain and drink 3 times a day. Last 2 hours after the last shot, 30 grams of castor oil ingested.

The infusion of fruit peel (8 to 10 grams in 1 liter of water) is healing diarrhea, gonorrhea and vaginal discharge. Excellent for bleeding gums, strengthens and cleans the teeth making rinses.
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The raspberry is the fruit of the raspberry bush, and the family Rosaceae.

Box composition Raspberry

nitrogenous materials
extracted material


The combined raspberry with dried fruit is a breakfast.

It is rich in minerals and vitamins, especially C.Es a fruit that diabetics can consume, by low amount of sugar it has.

It is laxative, combat fever. It has citric and malic acid.

                                                                  The tea leaves, not mixed with other herbs is good for:

diabetes, gallbladder disease, kidney disease, urinary tract diseases, skin diseases, irregular menstruation, inflammation of the throat, sores in the mouth and throat, diarrhea, dysentery, inflammation of the eyes, etc.

Amount to be used in preparations

20gramos 10 leaves in 1 liter of water.
For external use applied as fomentations, packs, lotions and decoction is prepared by increasing the dose the amount of grass. This preparation is very good for white flow

Strawberry or Strawberry

Denominado también fresera, frutilla. Se llama fresas en España y frutilla en América, es un refrigerante y diurético de primer orden.

En las fresas se encuentra yodo, rica en sales minerales y vitaminas, especialmente la vitamina C; posee una discreta cantidad de azúcar.

Cuadro del valor nutritivo de la fresa 100 gramos

calorie value
Vitaminico values A
Ascorbic acid - Vitamin C

For its wealth of calcium and potassium, it is very good for the expulsion of uric acid.

Strawberry water is recommended for small skin disorders, ulcers and grains. Simply squeeze 3 or 4 strawberries and apply on the face, leaving it dry for half an hour. Wash with warm water to clean.

The tea obtained from the leaves of the strawberry plant is a very healthy drink.
To prepare this infusion you must use 5% of the leaves and disorders of the liver, groin and skin conditions.

The roots, 1-2% infusion for diarrhea and blood flows.
If 5% of the root is placed purgative.

The infusion of the whole plant cure jaundice. The juice of the same claims the sting of wounds and heal putrid wounds.

The Cherries - uses

The fruits of the tree called Guindo, have different uses for a variety of bodily ailments.

Use the leaves in infusion of 2% is ideal for cough, chlorosis and calculations.
The tea obtained from the leaves of 20 to 30 grams of leaves in 1 liter of water, is prepared with the infusion method is very good for cases of stones, gravel, jaundice, hoarseness, bronchial catarrh, rebel cough , hardening of tissues, etc.

The cocimieto of cherries, is effectively split colds, coughs, hoarseness, flu, etc. It is sweetened with bee Miels. It must be taken well caliente.También is very good for the bile computations and in this case and take no honey.

The seeds crushed to reduce dust, prepare infusion to combat worms and nephritic stones.

It is a fruit that should be considered during periods of seasonal cures for different ailments that can prevent and even fight.

The resin of this tree also has its own properties must be dissolved in hot water and is used to combat all forms of colds, coughs, hoarseness, broncopumonares diseases, diseases of the throat, etc. everything related to the respiratory system.

The coconut and its healing properties

The coconut is a alcalósico food; It dominates the potassium, magnesium and calcium. Its protein is of high biological value.

Coconut oil is obtained which is widely used in the composition of soaps or champoo.

Coconut milk is nutritious and healing, is an excellent food for children, the elderly and infirm. Children grow up strong and healthy, because coconut milk prevents the development of nefermedades ensures healthy blood, strong and healthy organs, strengthens the stomach and intestines.

The coconut meat is good for diseases of the nerves, forgetfulness, weak lungs, emaciation, etc.

Coconut butter, rich in healthy fats is obtained. Coconut flour (the hardened and grated coconut) is used in pastry and associated recipes.

Fresh coconut when green. before letting it harden, she has the soft flesh, and it's time to eat. In Europe it is customary to eat coconut, ripe and hardened, being very laborious digestion.

Cidra - Grapefruit

Cidra, también conocida con el nombre de toronja, citrus cedra.
Contiene el complejo de vitaminas C, B, D, G, además varias sales minerales.

The tea leaves infusion prepared grapefruit is good for diseases of the nerves.

Example of an infusion to prepare: Peel 1 apple, grapefruit peels 1, 1 lemon peel. put all this in 1 liter of water and 1 cup of coffee size (small) sugar. put on the fire and boil until reduced by half. then turn off the heat and cover, let stand. Taken at any time of day as the drink to be removed or after meals. Is also ideal for those who suffer from poor digestion and for children in winter prevents colds or flu season.

The tizana dried bark tree has a good effect for: cramps, loss of appetite, slow and difficult digestion, heartburn, stomach weakness, etc.

The seeds of grapefruit, you can make a healing infusion, infusion against constipation, jaundice, pallor, anemia, etc.

Place a piece of grapefruit in the mate, have good results, only in minimum proportion the amount of properties that delivery.


The cherry tree is divided into 3 groups: sugar snap cherry, Blunders cherries, sour cherries. The cherry trees are the most acidic group.

100g composition. Grocery cherries
calorie value (kl)
Carbon hydrates Grs
greases (grs)
protein (grs)
calcium (miligramos)
match (mg)
iron (mg)

Red cherries have more sugar (above 8%) than black hue. In acid varieties of sugar percentage it is lower.

Proportion of vitamins in 100g of cherries
Vitamina A
Vitamina B1
Vitamina B2
Vitamina C

Cherries, through which point the foregoing schemes have mineralizing and vitamin properties.
Rich in minerals, particularly iron, goes well with anemic. By c vitamin rate facilitates growth. It is abundant in the latter vitamin, whose heavy drinking prevents the states of asthenia and hemorragíparos syndrome in spring.

It is rich in sugar. It may be associated with other fruits to form a delicious breakfast.
By shortages in carbohydrates and found most parde sugar levulosa state, many diabetic patients can be encouraged by this fruit taking it wisely.
The benefits of cherries: the core (bone) cleans the stomach, removes kidney stones and purifies the blood. Sweet Cherry is good for constipation, acid to stimulate digestion have poor secretion of gastric juice, corrects chronic diarrhea and intestinal anatomy.

The oil extracted bone Cherry has very good properties to remove kidney and bladder stones as well as to correct the arthritic pains. A good way to take them, to seize the property, you are crushing them in a mortar with bone and boil.
They are thus indicated for arthritic, liver and nephritic; for their alkalizing qualities and moods treatment plant provides a great utility undergo a cure of cherries. Be ruled out in this case the insane cherries.
The stems (Cabitos) of cherries is taken in decoction to 15% and is an excellent diuretic, bark decoction in as many doses is febrífuga and Antigout.
For the decoction is performed as follows: 30 grams of stems in 1 liter of water. Boil for 10 minutes. Hot about half a kilo of cherries It is cast; let stand for 10 minutes and strain, squeezing everything into a sieve.

Among many other species of cherry, apart from the common, they are used in medicine:
· Black or wild cherry Virginia, North America, whose bark is used in that country as a painkiller and sedative of consumption, as a tincture.
· Cerezo Santa Lucia, the seeds are used as febrifuge
· Alder Cerezo, fake wood of Saint Lucia, whose bark, foul-smelling, 1% infusion is used as an antirheumatic, antigotoso and antisyphilitic, water being the most tender, worming
· Cerasus nigrum, whose fruits, by fermentation, the Germans prepared KIRSCH; distilled water of the same fruit is used as a painkiller; but please do not use the prussic acid containing. So we say the two Brazilian species, wild cherry, wild cherry and purge, purge more for horses than for men.